# Design System
# Introduction
One of the main features of Vuesion are the components.
Unfortunately, components alone are not the solution to a consistent UX. Therefore, we need to define some restrictions that will ensure consistency.
An additional benefit of these rules is a better way to communicate within the product team. Every Color has a name, every text-style, every spacing. Everything has a purpose!
Better communication
By sharing storybook (opens new window) or the Figma file (opens new window), you can enable everyone in your team to participate in product-related discussions.
# Architecture
# Foundation
The foundation of the design system is the first abstraction layer, and it is made up of the following parts
- Breakpoints, define the responsive behaviour of the design system
- Color Palette, every color that you want to use in the design system
- Spacings, define what spacings your want to use in the design system
- Typography, define size, weight, line-height and letter spacings of your typography
# Design System Tokens
The 2nd abstraction layer are the Design System tokens, they help to quickly re-define the design-system and is the foundation to enable theming/white-labeling. The tokens fall into the following categories:
- Brand Variations, fallback color for common brand variations (primary, neutral, warning, danger, success)
- Background Colors
- Surface Colors, optimized to work on top of Background Colors
- Border Colors
- Text Colors
- Interaction Colors, for all Brand Variations
- Elevation, box-shadows used to elevate elements
- Accessibility, outline that is used to indicate focus of elements
- Border Radius
Typography Tokens
There are no tokens for common Text Styles, feel free to add them if one of your themes requires a different typography.
# Component Specific Variables
These variables are located in ./src/assets/design-system/variables/components
and are the final abstraction layer.
Every Vue component should only reference variables from this abstraction layer. This ensures that your components
are always easy to change and can be themed.
# Relations between abstraction layers
│ └───────────┘ │
│ ┌─────────────┐ │
│ │Color Palette├───┤
│ └─────────────┘ │
│ ┌────────┐ │
│ └────────┘ │
│ ┌──────────┐ │
│ └──────────┘ │
│ ┌──────────┐ │
│ │Foundation│◄─────┘
│ └─────┬────┘
│ ▼
┌───────────────┐ │ ┌────────────────────┐
│ Component │◄───────────────┴──── │Design System Tokens│
│ Specific │ └────────────────────┘
│ Variables │ ▲
└───────────────┘ │ ┌────────────────┐
├────┤Brand Variations│
│ └────────────────┘
│ ┌─────────────────┐
├────┤Background Colors│
│ └─────────────────┘
│ ┌──────────────┐
├────┤Surface Colors│
│ └──────────────┘
│ ┌─────────────┐
├────┤Border Colors│
│ └─────────────┘
│ ┌───────────┐
├────┤Text Colors│
│ └───────────┘
│ ┌──────────────────┐
├────┤Interaction Colors│
│ └──────────────────┘
│ ┌─────────┐
│ └─────────┘
│ ┌─────────────┐
│ └─────────────┘
│ ┌─────────┐
│ └─────────┘
│ ┌─────────────┐
└────┤Border Radius│
# Folder Structure
├── README.md
├── docs # Documentation and utilities for documentation
├── mixins # SASS mixins that are used across components
├── themes # Theme files
└── variables
├── _breakpoints.scss # Foundation: Break point and viewport definition
├── _color-palette.scss # Foundation: Color palette
├── _spacings.scss # Foundation: available spacings for layout components, paddings, margins and any other spacings
├── _typography.scss # Foundation: Font-families, Font-weights, Letter-spacings, Line-heights
├── _variables.scss # Index file for all kinds of globally available SASS variables
└── components # Component Specific Variables
# Layout Components
The Layout components mimic the Auto Layout feature from Figma and come with everything you need to build responsive designs.
# Box (opens new window)
creates spacings around components and provides positioning options. Tip: to make components more re-usable, don't add outer spacings to them, use a Box around them.
# Columns (opens new window)
are used to provide horizontal spacings between components. Components are either equally distributed by default, but each column can take a specific width. Columns can be stacked and are great to create Forms or general layouts. Tip: Columns don't provide vertical space, so it pairs well with the Stack.
# ContentBlock (opens new window)
provides a max width for all breakpoints to limit the content width of a page or components.
# Inline (opens new window)
is used to provide horizontal and vertical spacings between components. Components are displayed with their inline width. Inline can be stacked and is great to creat a list of elements.
# Masonry (opens new window)
is used to provide horizontal and vertical spacings between components. Components are displayed with and equal width and unequal height. Tipp: it only supports 3 columns and has a fixed responsive behaviour.
# Stack (opens new window)
is used to provide vertical spacings between components. Components are displayed with their original height.
# Tiles (opens new window)
is used to provide horizontal and vertical spacings between components. Components are either equally distributed. Tip: you can configure the number of columns. The vertical and horizontal space independently.
# Creating a new theme
# Creating the theme file
- Create a new file in
, e.g.halloween.scss
- Copy the contents of the file
and paste them into your theme file - Change the root class name to
- Replace the values of the variable with your new values
Variable Nomenclature:
1. Brand (global namespace)
2. Application (css property or purpose)
3. Brand Variation (primary, warning, danger, success, inverse, default)
4. Emphasis (optional)
5. State (optional)
:root.halloween {
/* Brand Variations */
--brand-primary: #de4300;
--brand-neutral: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 7)};
--brand-danger: #{palette-color-level('danger', 7)};
--brand-warning: #{palette-color-level('warning', 7)};
--brand-success: #{palette-color-level('success', 7)};
/* Background Colors */
--brand-bg-default-high: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 10)};
--brand-bg-default-medium: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 9)};
--brand-bg-default-low: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 8)};
--brand-bg-inverse-high: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 1)};
--brand-bg-inverse-medium: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 2)};
--brand-bg-inverse-low: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 3)};
/* Surface Colors */
--brand-surface-default-high: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 9)};
--brand-surface-default-medium: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 8)};
--brand-surface-default-low: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 7)};
--brand-surface-inverse-high: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 0)};
--brand-surface-inverse-medium: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 1)};
--brand-surface-inverse-low: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 2)};
--brand-surface-info-high: #{palette-color-level('primary', 8)};
--brand-surface-info-medium: #{palette-color-level('primary', 9)};
--brand-surface-info-low: #{palette-color-level('primary', 10)};
--brand-surface-danger-high: #{palette-color-level('danger', 8)};
--brand-surface-danger-medium: #{palette-color-level('danger', 9)};
--brand-surface-danger-low: #{palette-color-level('danger', 10)};
--brand-surface-warning-high: #{palette-color-level('warning', 8)};
--brand-surface-warning-medium: #{palette-color-level('warning', 9)};
--brand-surface-warning-low: #{palette-color-level('warning', 10)};
--brand-surface-success-high: #{palette-color-level('success', 8)};
--brand-surface-success-medium: #{palette-color-level('success', 9)};
--brand-surface-success-low: #{palette-color-level('success', 10)};
/* Border Colors */
--brand-border-default-medium: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 7)};
--brand-border-default-low: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 8)};
--brand-border-inverse-medium: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 9)};
--brand-border-inverse-low: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 7)};
--brand-border-info-high: #de4300;
--brand-border-info-low: #{palette-color-level('primary', 9)};
--brand-border-danger-high: #{palette-color-level('danger', 7)};
--brand-border-danger-low: #{palette-color-level('danger', 9)};
--brand-border-warning-high: #{palette-color-level('warning', 7)};
--brand-border-warning-low: #{palette-color-level('warning', 9)};
--brand-border-success-high: #{palette-color-level('success', 7)};
--brand-border-success-low: #{palette-color-level('success', 9)};
/* Text Colors */
--brand-text-default-high: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 0)};
--brand-text-default-medium: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 2)};
--brand-text-default-low: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 4)};
--brand-text-inverse-high: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 10)};
--brand-text-inverse-medium: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 7)};
--brand-text-inverse-low: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 6)};
--brand-text-info: #de4300;
--brand-text-danger: #{palette-color-level('danger', 7)};
--brand-text-warning: #{palette-color-level('warning', 7)};
--brand-text-success: #{palette-color-level('success', 7)};
/* Interaction Colors */
--brand-interaction-primary-enabled: #ff4d00;
--brand-interaction-primary-hovered: #ff7036;
--brand-interaction-primary-activated: #de4300;
--brand-interaction-neutral-enabled: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 9)};
--brand-interaction-neutral-hovered: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 8)};
--brand-interaction-neutral-activated: #{palette-color-level('neutral', 10)};
--brand-interaction-danger-enabled: #{palette-color-level('danger', 6)};
--brand-interaction-danger-hovered: #{palette-color-level('danger', 5)};
--brand-interaction-danger-activated: #{palette-color-level('danger', 7)};
--brand-interaction-warning-enabled: #{palette-color-level('warning', 6)};
--brand-interaction-warning-hovered: #{palette-color-level('warning', 5)};
--brand-interaction-warning-activated: #{palette-color-level('warning', 7)};
--brand-interaction-success-enabled: #{palette-color-level('success', 6)};
--brand-interaction-success-hovered: #{palette-color-level('success', 5)};
--brand-interaction-success-activated: #{palette-color-level('success', 7)};
--brand-interaction-secondary-enabled: #{palette-color-level('primary', 2)};
--brand-interaction-secondary-hovered: #{palette-color-level('primary', 1)};
--brand-interaction-secondary-activated: #{palette-color-level('primary', 3)};
/* Border radius */
--brand-border-radius-xs: #{$space-2};
--brand-border-radius-sm: #{$space-4};
--brand-border-radius-md: #{$space-8};
--brand-border-radius-lg: #{$space-16};
/* Elevation */
--brand-elevation-1: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
--brand-elevation-2: 0 -1px 2px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
--brand-elevation-3: 0 -2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 6px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
/* A11y */
--brand-focused: 0 0 0 #{$space-2} #{palette-color-level('neutral', 10)},
0 0 0 #{$space-4} #de4300;
/* Animation Language */
--brand-transition-duration: 250ms;
--brand-easing-curve: cubic-bezier(0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67);
--brand-fade-animation-transition: opacity var(--brand-transition-duration) var(--brand-easing-curve);
# Let SASS know about the new theme
- Open
and import your theme file
@import 'design-system/mixins/mixins';
@import 'design-system/variables/variables';
@import 'design-system/themes/light';
@import 'design-system/themes/dark';
@import 'design-system/themes/halloween'; /* new theme */
# Let Storybook know about the new theme
- Open
- Add new theme
themes: [
{label: 'Halloween Theme', value: 'halloween'},
# Let your application know about the new theme
- Open
- Add new theme
export default defineComponent({
name: 'App',
const themes = computed(() => [
{label: 'System', value: 'system'},
{label: 'Light', value: 'light'},
{label: 'Dark', value: 'dark'},
{label: 'Halloween', value: 'halloween'},
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