# Create your first page

Pages are special in Nuxt.js and their path and names will turn into your applications URLs. If you want to know more about Pages, please consult the Nuxt.js documentation about the Pages directory (opens new window).

# Use the Page generator

Let's create a new page with the interactive Vuesion generator CLI. Running npm run generate will prompt you some questions.

> vuesion generate

? [PLOP] Please choose a generator. 
  Simple Component - Add a single file component 
❯ Page - Add a new page 
  Vuex Module - Add a new page 
  Interface - Add a new interface and fixtures 

Choose Page and continue with enter:

> vuesion generate

? [PLOP] Please choose a generator. Page - Add a new page
? What should it be called? 

Now enter the name of your route and page component.

Name can include path information

All generators can be prefixed with a path. Page names are always in singular form, for example users/_id/index will turn into user/_id/index.

Type foo/index and continue with enter

> vuesion generate

? [PLOP] Please choose a generator. Page - Add a new page
? What should it be called? Foo
✔  ++ /Users/johanneswerner/Projects/vuesion/vuesion/src/pages/foo/index.vue
✔  ++ /Users/johanneswerner/Projects/vuesion/vuesion/src/pages/foo/index.spec.ts

Your page has been created at ./src/pages/foo/index.vue. The generator also added a test file ./src/pages/foo/index.spec.ts.

Open the file ./src/pages/foo/index.vue and disable the authentication middleware for this page and also give it an expressive component name.

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'FooPage',
  auth: false,

Go to http://localhost:3000/foo (opens new window) and you will see the new page.

Does everything work?

To verify that you didn't break something, run npm test.